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Chicken Little-játék a láthatáron

Chicken Little-játék a láthatáron
19 éve született ez a tartalom. Kezeld ennek megfelelően (pl. egyes hivatkozások esetleg már nem működnek).

Novemberben érkezik DS-re, PS2-re és Wii-re egy új Disney-játék, amely a Chicken Little történetét dolgozza fel. Az egyes verziók további részletei a hírben.DS infók:

  • Exciting new planets and environments: Venus, The Moons of Jupiter (Io and Europa) and an asteroid belt
  • The five campaigns each have three intense interstellar missions with soldier, spaceship and tank gameplay
  • Players tap DS touch screen to select plethora of plucky weapons including a wide range of blasters, grenades, rockets and tank rounds
  • Local two-person wireless multiplayer mini-games
  • The original Chicken Little and his friends from “Chicken Little” hit film appear in cut-scenes throughout the game

PS2 infók:

  • Four new dynamic worlds to explore:  Pluto, Saturn, Mars, the Moon
  • Four unique modes of game play: Ace on foot as a soldier, Runt as a tank commander, and Abby as the pilot of a spaceship and hovercraft
  • 24 mission thrill ride across the solar system with Ace, Runt and Abby taking turns blasting the bad guys
  • Diverse and fun variety of weapons and gadgets to defeat enemies and navigate extra-terrestrial landscapes
  • Two person multi-player mode for tank and spaceship levels
  • The original Chicken Little and his friends from “Chicken Little” hit film appear in cut-scenes throughout the game

Wii infók:

  • Game control will utilize the innovative Wii controller to manage inventory and manipulate the in-game camera perspective simply by pointing at objectives
  • Three unique modes of game play: Ace on foot as a soldier, Runt as a tank commander and Abby as the pilot of a spaceship and hovercraft
  • Four new dynamic worlds to explore:  Pluto, Saturn, Mars, the Moon
  • 23 mission thrill ride across the solar system with Ace, Runt and Abby taking turns blasting the bad guys
  • Diverse and fun variety of weapons and gadgets to defeat enemies and navigate extra-terrestrial landscapes
  • Two person multiplayer mode with tank and spaceship levels
  • The original Chicken Little character and his friends from “Chicken Little” hit film appear in cut scenes throughout the game
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